Tf2 Black Screen Windows 10

2020. 2. 7. 20:18카테고리 없음


Game stutters (sound and everything) for a few seconds, then goes black. I can keep playing, talk, and hear everything. But Screen is Blacked Out. Alt+Tab shows the Desktop and any other windows perfectly.

The Black Box is a community-created primary weapon for the Soldier.It is a black, rectangular rocket launcher with rounded edges, sporting two dark grey fastening bands near the front end and case coverings hanging open at both ends of the weapon.

Only the game is blacked out, even if I alt+tab back into it. Happens randomly. Usually within first 5 minutes, and again every hour or 3. NVidia Driver error in my windows taskbar when I close the game. This happens while I am playing TF2, haven't noticed it in any other game. So, naturally, I've been assuming it's tf2 for a few years, and asking steam support for help.


They always say 'update Drivers, post in the TF2 forums, case closed.' So, I re-re-re-install the drivers so I can honestly tell them I tried that. Recently, I've been closing the game quickly, and noticed a popup in Windows Taskbar, bottom right. It says; 'NVIDIA DISPLAY DRIVER STOPPED, RECOVERING' or something, It goes away before I can read it.

How To Fix Windows 10 Black Screen

Don't see it in Windows' error logs. 36 deg C right now. 60-70 deg C after a few hours of Sunday gaming. (if its close to 70, fans speed up a little and it goes back down) ANY IDEAS??

Yes, both windowed and full-screen. It happened 3 times in an hour yesterday. Windows update installed 2 little things today TONIGHT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 5 YEARS, IT DIDN'T BLACK SCREEN WHEN IT STUTTERED!!!

Brettclary Yes, both windowed and full-screen. It happened 3 times in an hour yesterday. Windows update installed 2 little things today TONIGHT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 5 YEARS, IT DIDN'T BLACK SCREEN WHEN IT STUTTERED!!!